Fetching Stock Data from Quandl to Python: DATA GEEk STUFF

IPython Notebooks, Quandl and  data geeks

After recently coming to know about google finance data is not working etc was looking for free data source and nothing better than Quandl comes to my mind.

Quandl is very good data warehouse. 

 To Fetch stcok data from Quandl to Python, you require following stuff:

  • Account with Quandl. Once done note down your API Key number.

    Anaconada 4.4

    Following require to install 

    1.quandl 2.numpy 3.pylab 4.Matplotlib 5.tox 6.virtualenv.

    Once done with importing/installing above dependencies open spyder use below code to get data

    import quandl
    quandl.ApiConfig.api_key = "YOURAPIKEY"
    import pylab
    import pandas as pd
    import datetime
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from matplotlib import style
    import numpy as np
    hf = plt.figure()
    df = quandl.get("NSE/HINDALCO",authtoken="YOURAPIKEY")

    Hope this helps. I am from Non-IT/non-coding back ground.

    it takes my 3 hrs able to get here. Hope others can save there time.
